Permission to Begin

Some of us spend a great deal of our lives waiting for or seeking “permission to begin” from others.  It’s a subtle thing.  It actually stops us from starting.  Waiting for permission—or even [...]

Weak in the Knees

There are only two people on this planet now who make me go weak in the knees in abject admiration when in their presence:  Nikki Giovanni and Norm Kerth.  They, in many ways, are not alike.  [...]

Agile Hot and Heavy

One of the hottest buzz words in many organizations right now is “agile.”  We hear about “the agile methodology” and “agile methods.”  We hear about scrum, XP, and—far less often—crystal.  And we [...]

Character References

30 years ago, even 20 years ago, it was common to be asked to provide two personal references and two professional references when you applied for a job with a company with which you were not [...]

Why work?

I have an interest in the sociology of work. I’ve had this interest all my life–well, at least since I was eight, but more about that later. Because of my obsession–and, yes, it [...]

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